Heart Disease
Heart disease is described as a range of conditions that cause adverse effects on your heart.
Heart Disease is of various types some of them include:
Coronary artery disease (Blood vessel Issue)
Arrhythmias (Heart Beat Issue)
Heart Issues since Birth
Valve Issues
Heart muscle Problem
Heart infection
One simple way to overcome all of the above heart issues is to adopt the best and healthy lifestyle which includes regular exercise and a strict diet plan.
Heart disease symptoms are different in different cases depending on what type of heart problem you are facing. Let quickly pull down to various Heart Diseases, causes and symptoms.
Cause of Coronary artery disease
A regular diet that includes a lot of fatty and deep fry items is often the common cause of building fatty plaques in your arteries.
While no regular exercise, overweight and injury may also be some other reasons for artery diseases. Unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as a poor diet, lack of exercise, being overweight and smoking, can lead to Coronary artery disease.
This buildup of fatty plaques in your arteries causes damage to your blood vessels interrupting blood supply in your body. This results in narrowing or blocking of blood vessels which over the period of time untreated may lead to heart attack or serious chest pain.
Symptoms may differ in men and women where men may only suffer serious or minor chest pain while a woman along with chest discomfort experiences shortness of breath, nausea along with extreme fatigue.
Common signs and symptoms of Coronary artery disease include
Discomfort in Chest: Chest pain, chest tightness, chest pressure, shortness of breath.
Legs/Arms: Discomfort, numbness, major or minor pain
Often Back Problems
Abdomen Discomfort
Pain in the Neck, Jaw, or Throat.
Coronary artery disease is dangerous, a devil within you that comes to notice after a heart attack, angina, stroke or heart failure. Hence it is very important to watch for cardiovascular symptoms and discuss concerns with your doctor if you find any discomfort in your chest, arms, back, neck, jaw, or abdomen. Men Impotence is also an alarming signal of Cardiovascular disease.
Cause of Arrhythmias
Common causes of arrhythmias have been discovered in patients due to unhealthy lifestyles full of excessive drinking, smoking and drug use. Well, there are also certain other reasons to develop arrhythmias are health conditions such as Diabetes, Heart Problems since Birth, High blood pressure, Stress and Valvular heart disease. At times regular prolonged use of over-the-counter medications, prescription medications, dietary supplements and herbal remedies may cause Arrhythmias.
Arrhythmias symptoms
In this case, your heartbeat is not unlike another normal human. It tends to either beat faster or slower.
Tachycardia meaning fast heartbeat
Bradycardia meaning Slow heartbeat
Common Chest pain or discomfort
Shortness While breath
Fainting or almost near fainting
Cause of Congenital heart defects
It is something that usually develops even before the baby is born. Common reasons for heart problem since birth includes parents history linked to heavy smoking or Premature birth
Heart Issues since Birth symptoms include
Cyanosis meaning Pale gray or blue skin color
Swelling in the legs, abdomen or areas around the eyes
shortness of breath especially during feedings
Tough increasing weight with growing age.
Tiring quickly while exercising or playing.
Cause of Heart Infection
Heart infection occurs when the outside Bacteria, Viruses, Parasites germs attack your heart muscles creating discomfort in heart functioning.
Heart Infection symptoms
Shortness of breath
Weakness or fatigue
Swelling in your legs or abdomen
Changes in your heart rhythm
Dry or persistent cough
Skin rashes or unusual spots
Cause of Heart Valve Problem
There are numerous things that can cause you heart valve problems. It may be since birth or may develop later with Rheumatic fever, heart infection and connective tissue disorders.
Heart Valve Problem symptoms
Shortness of breath
Irregular heartbeat
Swollen feet or ankles
Chest pain
According to various research from hospitals, clinics and lab test centers, common reasons for developing heart diseases are:
Age: As you grow older it is obvious for many to increase the risk of narrowed arteries and thickened heart muscle.
Family history: Hereditary is the perfect word to explain in one sentence. Especially if in your family a male member is diagnosed with heart disease before the age of 55 years and women within 65 years there are higher chances of you developing coronary artery disease.
Smoking Tobacco: You will find numerous health problems with smoking tobacco. One common illness after lung cancer is heart problems caused due to smoking. Nicotine tightens your blood vessels, and carbon monoxide can damage their inner lining, Heart stroke is one of the common causes of death in smokers.
Diet: A regular diet that includes high in fat, salt, sugar and cholesterol full meal can contribute to the development of fatty plaques in your arteries resulting in poor blood supply.
Diabetes and High Blood Pressure: Diabetes and High Blood Pressure patients, it is good to get your heart check periodically. Both illnesses may cause narrowing of the vessels, clothes in blood vessels, etc.
Obesity and Exercise: Overweight and irregular exercise can lead to heart diseases over a period of time.
Stress: Competitive world is full of stress and hectic life. But did you know? High stress can damage your arteries and worsen other risk factors for heart disease.
Life-threatening complications that may arise due to Heart Disease.
Sudden cardiac arrest
Heart failure
Heart attack
What is some common prevention for Heart Disease?
Just Google and you will find almost 100 tips on prevention from Heart Diseases. All are equally important to follow but some common prevention for Heart Diseases are:
Just say no to smoking. Don't be a victim of passive smoking which is 100% dangerous than actual smoking.
If you have underline illnesses such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes make sure to take proper treatment.
Most importantly exercise at least 30 minutes daily. If you cannot hit Gym try making time to exercise at home. Cycling, running and walking is also the best alternative for regular fitness.
Eat a healthy diet full of vitamins and proteins avoid junk, deep oil fry and fatty food.
Make sure you have healthy weight maintenance.
Meditate for stress control
Practice good hygiene and drink an ample amount of water.
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